Release Notes

Released May 15, 2020

Minor bug fixes

For Users

  • The “Today” rankings screen was showing numbers for more than just today.
  • Sometimes street addresses were being mis-capitalized. Say goodbye to 42Nd Street and hello to 42nd Street!

For Admins

  • Mapping counts could be wrong in Survey Questions admin if you had deleted integration instances.

Released May 8, 2020

Minor bug fixes

For Users

  • Refreshing your web browser could break the Rankings screen.
  • Search results would sometimes re-draw incorrectly if you were executing consecutive searches very quickly.

For Admins

  • Survey Questions Admin could crash if there were existing integration mappings for integration instances you had deleted.


Released May 6, 2020

More ways to contact voters from Reach! And some bug fixes.

For Users

  • Message with external apps. Now when you tap the “Message” button on a person’s profile and you pick a contact script, you can decide to use either the standard SMS/iMessage app on your phone or you can now choose to use an external app like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal, or any other app you have on your phone. More ways to contact voters and spread the word!
  • On web, the background color on the contact script picker was a little off. Cleaned that right up.
  • On web, scrolling on the My Reach screen was not working great.

For Admins

  • In the Contact Scripts admin screen, the “SMS” scripts have been renamed “Messaging” scripts since they now apply to more than just SMS.
  • We had been only showing you your first name in the admin toolbar. That’s fixed. Now you’ll no longer wonder who you are.
  • Fixed an issue where adding a new survey question to a live question set could deactivate that set.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t save changes to a contact script in some circumstances.

Released May 6, 2020

Minor bug fix

For Users

  • Users with no campaigns could see a crash or get stuck on the splash screen.

For Admins

Nothing in this version.

Released May 1, 2020

Dear admins,

As much as we love hearing from you with support requests to set up and manage your integrations, we’re afraid all good things must come to an end.


For Users

Nothing in this version

For Admins

  • Integrations Admin. You can now create and manage your integrations yourself. Enter API keys, edit settings, turn features on and off, and more. Keep in mind that the number of integrations you can setup is based on your Reach subscription level.
  • Slack Integration. To go along with our new integrations admin, we new have a simple Slack integration to let you know in a Slack channel of your choice when your users are saving responses.


Released April 23, 2020

This version lays the groundwork for more great things to come and adds a whole bunch of nice bug fixes and improvements, including the new Rankings Screen now on web!

For Users

  • New Rankings Screen on Web. The redesigned Rankings screen from v1.11.0 that you’ve been enjoying in the native app is now also looking hot in the web app.
  • Upload a Profile Pic when first creating your account. Profile pic upload has been added to the account creation flow so new users can get started with a profile pic right away. For existing users, it’s not too late. You can always add a profile pic from the My Account screen.
  • You can now Pull-to-Refresh on the home screen so you don’t have to wait one more second for the freshest Action Cards.
  • In Chat, the send button now changes colors when you have entered a message and giphy embeds look cleaner.
  • Action Cards with external links open in a nifty modal browser on native and in a new tab on web.
  • In some cases, Search Filters with a very long list would not work properly.
  • On the My Account screen, the Add User button was still there for inactive campaigns. We can’t have that!
  • In some cases, if an iOS user had deleted the stock Mail app from their phone, they would get a crash when trying to send email from Reach.
  • Removed a mistaken drop-shadow from the Action Menu on Android.
  • Font was wrong in a link preview in Chat.
  • In some cases, for large chat channels, the unread message count in the Reach nav bar could be unreliable.
  • On the web app, we’ve fixed a few areas where resizing your browser window could lead to ugly side affects. Specifically, the header on the Person Profile Screen and the Campaign Settings button on the My Account screen are now much more adaptable to various screen sizes.
  • Scrolling issues when the Tag Picker was up on the Person Profile screen in the web app.

For Admins

  • Database Infrastructure Updates. While it won’t look like much from the outside, we’ve made some more major improvements to the way we handle voter files and data sets under the hood which will make us faster and more flexible when working with your data.
  • You’ll now see your users’ profile pics in the Users Admin screen. Don’t they look goooooood?
  • If you’d like, we can now completely hide the “Details” section from the Person Profile screen. Just let us know!
  • There was some messy styling at the bottom of your admin tables in the “Rows per page” area.
  • Deleting Push Notifications was not a smooth experience.


Released April 6, 2020

Introducing: Home Screen and Action Cards!

Since we’re all working virtually for our organizations for now, we’re rolling out even more features to turn Reach into your digital organizing space. Your app can now feature a Home Screen where you can see different action items you can do right now to help your organization fight for progressive change. Your campaign can fully customize the whole Action Card, from the title and icon to linking those cards to external links, or different screens within the Reach app. They might set up an action card to sign up to phone or text bank, build your Network in Reach, and more – the possibilities are endless!

For Users

  • Home Screen. When you load the Reach app, instead of going straight to the Search screen, you’ll now go to your brand-spanking-new Home Screen! Once your admins have set it up, you’ll see a list of action items you can do right now to support your campaign or organization. These action items can link to places outside of Reach, as well as within the app. Read more about the home screen here.
  • Send Contact Script Messages In-App (iOS only). When you’re sending a text or email from Reach, instead of fully bouncing out to your phone’s texting or email app, you’ll see a pop-up version of that app right on top of Reach. Once you send the message, you’re still in Reach and can get right back to organizing!
  • You can now swipe down to collapse the keyboard in chat, instead of just tapping above it.
  • A few tweaks to make the app look even prettier, like making your campaign logos bigger, and displaying the time a chat message was sent at the top of the message instead of the bottom.
  • When using Contact Scripts on an Android device, sometimes messages were not correctly populating in certain third-party SMS apps. We fixed that right up.
  • If you’re Reaching for multiple campaigns, your chat push notifications in your web browser will now tell you which campaign the chat message is from. Previously it would always show you the name of your current active campaign.
  • On web, it’s easier to see who has added a reaction to a message in chat because we’ve made the tooltip wider.
  • Long contact script names will now wrap to multiple lines so they’re still fully readable.
  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur if you tried to type-to-filter response options in a survey question drop-down menu where one of the response options had no name.

For Admins

  • Action Cards Admin. This is a shiny new Admin screen where you can create action cards for your beautiful Home Screen. You can customize the text at the top of your home screen, the icon, title, and text for each Action Card, and set them to link to a screen in Reach or an external link. You can even choose to pin Action Cards to the top of the list in the Home Screen, as well as personalize them with the user’s name using templating. Read more about setting up Action Cards here.
  • Home Screen Options in Campaign Settings Admin Screen. You’ll now find a new section on the Campaign Settings screen allowing you to turn the Home Screen on or off and decide what greeting text to display at the top to your users.
  • Add a Logo. If you’re on Reach Complete, you can now display your logo in-app on the Home screen and Search screen! Load it in your Organization details in the Admin dashboard.
  • Since iOS users now send their text/emails in a pop-up instead of fully outside of Reach, your contact actions export will only include actions that the user action followed through on and clicked send on the SMS or email. You’ll see the script they use when they send a message in your Contact Actions export.
  • There was a bug where Reach Admins weren’t always assigned as chat moderators for channels with > 100 users. We fixed that right up.
  • We adjusted the admin side bar so you can always see the bottom section to collapse the sidebar or exit admin.
  • Other small bug fixes and tweaks.


Released March 26, 2020

Introducing: Reach Chat!

We face unprecedented organizing challenges in this time of social distancing, but we’re pleased to announce that you can now use Reach as a true digital organizing space with real-time group chat right in the app. Connect and collaborate with fellow activists and organizers by heading to the new Chat tab. Your team chat room includes every user on your Reach campaign and each campaign gets their own chat. You can even customize push notifications for each campaign. No need to guess who people are as you juggle WhatsApp groups or Slack channels or Discord servers when you can chat right where you’re organizing!

For Users

  • Reach Chat. Features include emoji reactions, @ mentions of other users, typing indicators, and even gif embeds (type “/giphy”).
  • Upload a custom profile pic to Reach so you’ll be looking your finest as you’re saving the world. The pic is featured in chat and on the new Rankings screen! Set yours now!
  • “My Account” screen when you tap the campaign name in the top left. This gives you an easy way to edit your user profile (including adding a profile pic) and browse all your active campaigns in the app. We’re also giving you more information about those campaigns than ever before. You’ll be able to see their logo, their State, Office, District, and election date, and visit their website right from the Campaign card. You’ll also be able to tap the “…” button to bring up more options letting you jump right to their donate link, email the organization directly for help, and invite new users.
  • Per-Campaign Push Notifications Preferences. You now have fine-tuned control of which sort of push notifications you’ll see from each campaign.
  • iPad Compatibility. Previously, you could use Reach in your iPad’s web browser, or you could use the phone version of the app on your iPad blown up all big like it was 2011. Now the real deal is here so tablet away!
  • Re-designed Rankings screen. You can now to pick from more timespan options (like This Week and This Month) and 6 different stats you may want to see Leaderboards for (like Users Added, People Added, and Relationships Added). Get that competitive spirit fired up!
  • It was possible to leave the Person Profile Screen by tapping on another nav button without saving your changes and Reach wouldn’t say anything. Now we’re going to remind you to save so no precious data is lost.
  • The Person Profile screen was refreshing itself too often, especially when switching back and forth between Reach and other apps. It should just chill now.
  • The Reach icon on the Info screen was wrong in the web app.

For Admins

  • Campaign Helpdesk Email. We have a new field on the Campaign Settings screen where you can specify a help desk email address. This will let users email your campaign directly from Reach with questions. This option, along with the donate URL and campaign website, are featured on the new My Account screen for your users.
  • Enable Chat’ Switch. You can turn the chat feature on or off for your campaign using the new switch on the Campaign Settings screen.
  • The” Campaign Details” screen has been renamed to “Campaign Settings. Same great screen with a tasty new name.
  • The Contact Actions Export now includes new columns for which a Contact Script Name and Contact Script ID.
  • We’re now checking to make sure the website URL and the donate URL are properly formatted. Don’t forget the “http://”.
  • We now show a loading animation when you’re first loading admin tables so you don’t think all your users have vanished.


Released March 9, 2020

For Users

Nothing in this version

For Admins

  • Advanced Filtering. All tables in admin can now be filtered dynamically so you can see exactly what you’re looking for. [3mavwm]
  • User Details Drawer. When you click on a row in the admin Users table, you’ll now get a pop-out drawer that gives you much more information about the user including how they joined your campaign, any groups they’re in, which devices they’ve allowed push notifications on, and more. You can even click on the number of users they’ve invited and see that list of users. [3j5xap][4rf449]
  • We’ve re-arrange the items in the Admin sidebar and dashboard and cleaned up the icons to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. [4uc19h]
  • Rows in admin tables only have a hover styling if they are actually clickable. [4ubcxg]
  • Sometimes, if your first visit to admin was by directly visiting the admin URL, the page might not load properly. Now it will. [4wcn1d]
  • When scheduling a push notification, the “Schedule” button is now disabled unless you’ve selected a date. [4y8n2e]


Released March 3, 2020

Contact Scripts aren’t just for the native app any more! With this release, users of the web app will have the same access to use Contact Scripts that appeared in Native in the previous version.

For Users

  • Contact scripts on web! Your campaign can set up scripts for the emails and texts you send from Reach so you can text those contacts at lightning speed! (Coming soon to web) [4e87r7]
  • When you delete a phone number or email address, the Contact Actions buttons were not immediately updating into their disabled state. [4ef67r]
  • If you saved survey responses and contact info in the same Save operation, the screen was not re-drawing properly to show the survey response even though it was properly saving. [50f6xa]
  • Emails from contact scripts without subject lines sometimes were not formatting properly in email clients. [4j9x7w]

For Admins

  • Survey question names can now only be 50 characters. This makes for a better experience with exports which use those question names as column headers. Old questions are grandmothered-in but names of new questions or edited questions will only be able to be 50 characters long. If you want a longer name to show up in the app, you can use the Display Name field. [4rfhzt]
  • Question Mapping for integrations has improved keyboard accessibility. [3ubz7v]
  • The Admin Dashboard has improved keyboard accessibility. [4wb4dy]
  • When selecting a user group to target a push notification, deleted groups will not show up. [4m6hh6]
  • Rows in admin tables will only have a hover style if they are clickable. [4ubcxg]