Release Notes


Released August 14, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • The content library will now load in the background in most cases, so by the time you switch to the Library tab, it will already be there.
  • To make it faster and lower-data to download the Library, we are compressing the resizing the images a bit more than before.

For Admins


  • To make it faster and lower-data to download the Library, we are compressing the resizing the images a bit more than before.


Released August 13, 2024 over the air

Looking for just the right content for a conversation you’re having? Seek and ye shall find! The Library screen in Reach how has a big helpful Search button! You can directly search the whole library for whatever keywords you’re looking for, and it will returns sortable, filterable search results based on the content’s name, description, gallery, label, and suggested post text.

For Users


  • Content Library Search


  • Contact Import was not working well on iPad in Portrait orientation because the “Add to My Network” button was not visible.
  • We had been showing green “toast” notifications about how your content had finished downloading a bit too proactively when you really didn’t need to see them, like when tapping into an Action Card. We’ve chilled it out a bit.
  • We fixed a layout issues with long asset names not wrapping properly in the info popover on web.

For Admins


  • Cloning assets was broken. Now it works!
  • We were showing an artificially large amount of space after unordered lists in the text editor for action card descriptions. Now it looks more like it will for your users.


Released August 6, 2024 over the air

Reach chat can get a bit noisy sometimes. Especially on a large campaign with thousands of excited users, sometimes a chat channel is most effective if it’s a bit more controlled. That’s why today we’re launching Announcement Only Chat Channels! Admins can set their main full-campaign chat channel or any user group chat channel in announcement-only mode and only moderators will be able to post messages.

For Users


  • Announcement Only Chat Channels.
  • Copy Reach links from within various screen in the Content library then share these links in Reach chat or anywhere else to help other Reach users find the content they’re looking for. Look for this new option in the “…” menu on a Gallery or Label or in the “Info” popover of a specific piece of content.

For Admins


  • Announcement Only Chat Channels
  • You can now re-name your full-campaign chat if you choose.
  • You can now share campaign key links as QR codes and download the QR code images right from Reach!


  • We have redesigned the Gallery and Label cards in admin to give you more information.


Released August 1, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • We now show time zones on the card on the Events tab of the Home screen so it’s super clear when each event is happening.


  • On the Library tab, we were not showing pinned labels at the front of the list. Now we are and we added a little pin icon for good measure!
  • Save and Cancel buttons on the Survey Questions tab of the person screen were sometimes not showing up on iPads in Landscape orientation. This should be fixed and those buttons should be back and better than ever.
  • Fixed a long-standing crash that would happen when rotating an iPad with Reach open.
  • Fixed a crash which would occur if a user customized a script in a way that would break template tags.

For Admins


  • Suggested posts are now optional on content assets. If you’re moving fast and are happy to leave the messaging in the hands of your users, you can now create and publish new assets without a suggested post. Users will see that there is no suggested post and they can add whatever post content they choose.


  • Significant improvements to filtering and sorting throughout admin screens, especially content library admin screens. You can now sort and filter by more things, some filters which were not working very well (like expired) are working again, and you’ll find that default filters make it easier to focus on the items that matter to you.
  • Reach now provides a better experience when uploading files. We display suggested dimensions more frequently and provide you with the opportunity to crop images when they need to be cropped. We’ve also fixed some bugs where the file upload picker could freeze or crash in cases where you were cropping files added via URL and made images previews display better throughout admin.


Released July 30, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Fixed some crashes caused by slow loading of Google Autocomplete on web.
  • Fixed an issue where some user devices would fail to register when they had uncommon regional settings in place.
  • When typing in a long text survey question field and tapping cancel, you used to have to tap cancel twice. Now just once.
  • We were not properly labeling “Social Media Campaign” events from Mobilize.

For Admins


  • Skip approval on new content uploads from within the app! Are you an admin or owner on a campaign and you want to add content to your Reach library when you’re on the go and not behind a computer? Now, Admins can use our User Generated Content features from the My Uploads screen and Upload Content Action Cards to submit new content and bypass the approval process that used to require you to log into the Reach Admin Dashboard from your computer. Simply flip the switch to skip approval, choose a gallery and provide a script and you’re good to go!


  • There was some incorrect labeling on the Share Feedback admin screen making the table formatting look a bit off.


Released July 24, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Inactive and Expired Content. Sometimes you have shared a piece of content for your campaign, but before you can leave feedback on it, is has disappeared! Oh no! Well, now that is fixed. Even if content is removed from the library by your campaign, you will still be able to see it and leave feedback on it if you had previously shared it or downloaded it.


  • Reach was crashing on iPad when uploading new content. This is fixed!

For Admins

Nothing in this version


Released July 9, 2024 over the air

Reach has always been great at helping your users canvass the people they meet by saving survey responses. But what about when you want to collect survey response data from those users themselves? Our new User Survey Action Cards allow you to do just that!

For Users


  • User Survey Action Cards. Tap into this new type of Action Card to directly open a set of Survey Questions. Respond to those questions as often as you like and earn Action Points each time you save a set of responses. Let your campaign know what you think!

For Admins


  • Create and manage User Survey Action Cards. You can choose from any Question Set you’ve made and ask the users those questions. This may or may not be an active question set which the users are also asking voters.
  • New “User Responses” export allows you to download data from the new User Survey Action Cards.
  • You can now see a User’s ID from the user drawer. How handy!


Released July 2, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • When tapping on a push notification telling you that you had been added to a new campaign, You would not always land in the campaign properly.
  • Some occasional crashes in chat are fixed.

For Admins


  • We’ve re-arranged the fields when creating or editing a Content Upload Action Card so it’s easier to see the label picker.
  • We’ve added some helper text to better explain image and video size limits when creating assets.


  • Editing and re-scheduling Push Notifications could sometimes lead to custom user targeting being lost.
  • Status filters were not working on the Assets admin screen.


Released May 23, 2024 in the App Store and Play Store

Content goes both ways, right?. Your campaign provides content to you and you provide content to them. Now, you can capture and upload videos (up to 3 mins long) and send them to your campaign. If your campaign approves them, they will be visible to everyone else on the campaign. Lights, Camera, Direct Action!

For Users


  • Video Uploads from the My Uploads screen in the content library and from Content Upload Action Cards.


  • On iOS, we are bit more specific with where we show the auto-complete bar above your keyboard. This should also improve performance.

For Admins

  • Review and approved user generated video content
  • Create Content Upload Action Cards which request videos. Videos may be able to 3 minutes long or 500 MB in file size.


Released May 20, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • Some campaigns can now be set so the Reach experience is entirely focused on content sharing. In this new mode, the Search Screen and My Reach Screen will be entirely hidden. In some cases, campaigns may not even have a bottom tab bar if they’re using Reach in such a way that involves only the home screen.


  • Layout issues on the tag picker on native.
  • Layout issues on the label contents screen on iPad.
  • When uploading content, Reach had been letting you select labels from different campaigns whose shared galleries your campaign was subscribed to.

For Admins


  • New clear buttons on date inputs in Safari makes it easier to clear date fields.