Release Notes


Released March 12, 2024 over the air.

For Users


  • When going back to your Network from the Person Screen the web version of Reach would forget your scroll position. No longer!
  • When editing your user profile your address will be autosuggested by your phone’s OS in more cases. Think of all the things you can do with this newly saved time.

For Admins


  • When creating a new Action Card we now make it easier to first choose the type of card you are creating. It’s very inspirational.


  • We made it more clear that you can also invite additional admins from the Users admin page.


  • We fixed a sneaky bug where the Action Card wouldn’t be fully filled out when cloning an existing card or using the template library.


Released January 23, 2025 over the air.

For Users


  • From the chat channels list, you can now use the plus button to both make a new DM and to open the User Group directory to join new user groups!


  • We’ve added a loader animation during the content upload process on web to make things a bit more clear.
  • You can now filter the action card feed by tasks that are still To do.


  • The spacing on the campaign directory campaign key input was not quite right in Safari
  • The save and cancel buttons on the person screen on mobile web were mis-aligned
  • Animations throughout Reach now work more smoothly on Android

For Admins

Nothing in this version


Released October 31, 2024 over the air. 🎃

For Users


  • This version improves performance throughout the Content Library, especially for folks using older Android devices, where things can get a bit choppy.

For Admins


  • We have refreshed the Push Notifications Admin screen! It looks similar to the old version but comes with some great new features and improvements including:
    • Advanced targeting just like you can do with Action Cards is now possible with Push Notifications. You can target a given notification to any complex rules and criteria to decide which users should get it, including the users’ groups, role, state, zip code, first seen date, and more.
    • Push Notification Links! Now you get to decide what happens when your users tap your Notifications. Previously they would all just open Reach to your campaign, but now you can set them up to link to any screen in Reach or to any external URL.
    • Improved performance and bug fixes


Released September 27, 2024 over the air

For Users

Nothing in this version

For Admins


  • Throughout all admin screens, any time users are listed as a column in a table, you will now see the user’s profile pic next to their name! Look at all the friendly faces!
  • If you can’t save on your Campaign Settings screen because a required field is empty (like Helpdesk email), it will now be much more obvious.


  • On the “Interactions” tab when editing an Action Card, we were mis-labeling “Act” Interactions as “View”. An “Act” interaction is saved any time a user taps the Call to Action Button on an Action Card. Action Card “View” interactions are currently not tracked or recorded.


Released September 25, 2024 over the air

Let’s get more targeted! Admins can now target action cards with much more flexibility and capability!

For Users


  • We have made our “Privacy Masking” feature more clear when it comes to addresses. If you are not seeing a full address, we will show asterisks for the house number rather than just omitting it. We hope this reduces some confusion around how the feature was working.


  • When tapping into content from the Search Library screen, the “New” chips on the content were not always disappearing as expected.

For Admins


  • Action Card Advanced Targeting: When creating and editing action cards, you will now see a much more robust Visibility section where you can target the card based on nested rules, various operators, boolean logic, and many more fields that describe which users should see the Action Card. Fields include State, Zip Code, First Seen On, Role, Source User, Source Campaign Key, User Groups, Email is Verified, and Had MyC VANID.


  • When you are navigating around Content Library admin screen, the in-app “Back to List” button will more often return you to the screen you’d expect. This is especially true when editing assets in the context of a gallery, label, or action card.
  • When users saved survey responses on both the Person Screen and User Survey Action Cards, we were sometimes storing unnecessary empty response rows in addition to the real responses. No longer!


Released September 14, 2024 in the App Store and Play Store

Apple’s release of iOS 18 is right around the corner, so we’re beating them to the punch with an update that adjusts things a bit in Reach to work with the new way iOS 18 handles contact permissions. You can read all about these changes in our blog post here:

For Users


  • Contact Import process has been tweaked a bit to be compatible with iOS 18. This change will affect users on all platforms and includes a new “Scoping Screen” to make it easier to understand where to begin with contact import.

For Admins

Nothing in this version


Released September 11, 2024 over the air

This version adds a ton of functionality for admins to give them more visibility and reporting right from the various admin screens without having to export CSVs and dig through them.

For Users


  • Reach is a bit more picky with the email addresses you enter to help catch more typos.


  • When verifying your email address, or asking for verification emails to be re-sent, the notifications Reach shows you will be more accurate.
  • On iPad, some modals were not fully usable with footers and buttons and the bottom of the content being hidden.
  • On web, the campaign drawer was not updating quickly enough when joining and leaving campaigns.
  • Content downloading could break if it was interrupted mid-download. This was especially likely with large video files or slow connections.

For Admins


  • Action Cards Interactions and Responses Tabs. Click on any existing Action Card and in addition to the normal editing screen, you’ll see a new “Interactions” tab. This tab will give you a full view of all interaction history for this card. You will be able to see exactly which users viewed the card, tapped the CTA button, took action on it, and earned points. If you’re looking at a User Survey Action Card, you will see yet another new tab for Responses where you can see right there how users have been responding to the survey questions on the card. On both of these tabs, you can sort and filter the data, and you can even tap a new “Export” button to export the data from this table and download it is a CSV file.
  • Expanded Metrics, Sorting, and Filtering on Content Library screens. All the content library admin screens have been enhanced to give you much more data and visibility into your program right from the admin screens. Now, you can see, sort by, and filter by things like how many times an asset has been shared, how many times it’s been downloaded, how many times it’s been viewed, and what it’s review score is, and more.
  • Asset Metrics Widgets. Click into an asset to see a new bar of widgets that give you top-line metrics for how your users have interacted with that asset.
  • Added filtering for Shared Galleries screen.


Released September 3, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • The Content Library should now be faster to fetch and update.
  • Performance improvements throughout the Library tab.

For Admins


  • Push Notifications scheduling now provides more information about which time zone you’re scheduling based off of.
  • When browsing Shared Galleries, the thumbnails of the assets are now bigger and easier to see.


Released August 21, 2024 over the air

For Users

Nothing in this version

For Admins


  • When making an External Link CTA on an Action Card, you can now specify a Reach URL and the card will link directly to that screen in Reach without leaving the app or opening a web browser. This is especially useful for linking users directly to Galleries or Labels in your Content Library.


Released August 19, 2024 over the air

For Users


  • We have made over a dozen improvements and bug fixes in Reach Chat across web and native. Here are some of the highlights:
    • The original message in a quoted reply is styled better.
    • Attachments and preview cards in quoted replies look nicer and are more consistent between web and native.
    • The image picker on iOS was not working.
    • YouTube video previews were not playing on web.
    • On Native, the messages now fill the width of the screen.
    • Web channel list message previews truncate better and do not get too tall.
    • Long channel names are handled better on web and native and do not break the layouts.
    • The loader when I scroll up on web looks better.
    • Links are not more consistently styled across web and native.
    • If I include a link in a reply message, the link preview card was showing twice with different indents.
    • Image attachment cards were indented too much on web
    • Images uploaded from native into chat were getting way too compressed and looking bad.
    • More consistent fonts in the image gallery on native.
    • On native, we now show check marks next to messages you sent so you can tell when they have been sent and when they have been read.

For Admins

Nothing in this version