Released July 31, 2020
Fixed some bugs and made some improvements from yesterday’s release.
For Users
- During contact import, Reach will now pre-select the first phone number and email address of each contact so you are less likely to forget this step and fill up your network with people who are missing their contact info. We give preference to mobile numbers. You can, of course, always still deselect any contact info you don’t want to include.
- Added a helpful redirection note to the “More” menu for users who were looking for the old method of adding a voter to their network.
- The match-count badge in contact import now maxes out at 99+ matches.
- Long contact script names now better wrap to multiple lines in the web app.
- After adding a person, the navigation flow should be a bit smoother.
- Fixed a crash when adding people without relationships.
- Fixed some crashes when importing contacts before all your campaign’s relationship types had fully loaded. Especially for brand new users.
For Admins
- We now sort the VAN Mapping Destination objects by cycle.
- Type-to-filter in the VAN Mapping drop-down was not working for a hot second there.