Released July 2, 2019
This may technically only be a “.1” update, but it actually contains some pretty sweet stuff! The process of adding new users to your campaign is now much more flexible and powerful. Read on to find out more!
For Users
- More ways to add users – Adding new users to your Reach campaign used to be a fairly blunt instrument and now it has a lot more finesse. Every time you add someone, you can decide whether or not Reach should send them a text notification, and you can decide which level or permissions they should get on the campaign, up to and including your own permissions level.
- You can also use this to upgrade someone’s permissions in the field by just re-adding them with the new permissions.
- Plus, both the text message that new users get and the confirmation notification that you get are now smarter and more aware of what’s going on.
- Better Toast Notifications – Now, when you get little pop-up notifications based on your actions in the app, they’re a little less intrusive and you’ll be able to keep working while they’re on your screen.
- User Profile Editing – We’ve made it easier and cleared to edit your user profile from the settings menu.
- Redesigned signup and login experience – We just keep smoothing out the login flow. Now, the buttons show you a cute little animation while they’re working on something for you, the inputs behave more consistently, you can paste auth codes into the auth code screen, and we’ve added field labels to the account creation screen so you can keep track of what we’re asking you.
- Fixed a bunch of small bugs that affected the transition animations, the look and loading functionality of the rankings screen, Google auto-complete for addresses of new people, a rare crash of the person profile screen, and more.
For Admins
Nothing in this version