Released October 26, 2020
Bug fixes and small improvements. You’ll also notice that we’ve adjusted the way we do our version numbers for compatibility reasons with some of our internal tools. From now on, there will be no more “1.” at the beginning of our version numbers. They will instead follow the format of “major.minor.patch”
For Users
- In some cases, campaign logos were too small on the Home Screen and Search Screen.
- On web, many of our pop-up list views will be sized better.
- We got rid of an unnecessary vertical divider on the top of the Person Profile screen.
- On web, the chat input would sometimes resize as I was sending a message.
- On mobile web, long contact script names were wrapping badly.
- Rare crashes on the My Reach screen after toggling view preferences while viewing an empty list.
- Rare crashes in Contact Import.
- Type-to-Filter not working on Contact Import results screen.
For Admins
- It was not possible to clear out the script on a Social Media Share action card.
- Double scrollbars when saving changes to a contact script.
- Removed Beta marker for Reach Chat feature.