Released May 17, 2021 via the App Store and Play Store
For Users
- Edit voter data directly in Reach! Right from the app, you can now edit a voter’s name, update their address, mark them as deceased, or even add a personal nickname visible to only you. This is a great way to keep the data you’re seeing in Reach as accurate as possible, avoid dead-naming trans voters, and make sure your outgoing messages are addressed properly. Note that changes you make in Reach will not affect official state voter registration records.
- More contact information and filtering options during the Contact Import process.
- We’ve made the User Profile Edit screen a bit more clear, so it automatically closes when you save your changes and the close button is now labeled “Cancel”
- Tags should always display with more reliable and consistent sorting.
- The icons used for Push Notifications on Android were missing! You were probably just seeing a gray circle instead of our friendly logo (affectionately called “Ballie the Ballot”). Well, Ballie’s back, baby!
- We’ve caught a few bits of text that hadn’t been fully translated and translated them.
- We’ve fixed some styling issues on Android around shadows.
- We’ve made some improvements so the list views in Reach render more correctly more often.
For Admins
- The character counts of the contact script edit drawer are better.
- Push Notification Targeting drop-down wasn’t working properly. Now it is.