

Released May 9, 2023, over the air.

Reach can now collect more complete user addresses. Plus, some tweaks to language throughout the app to make things clearer.

For Users


  • You are now encouraged to add your full address when signing up for Reach. This helps your campaign better understand where you’re Reaching from. We have added fields for Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, and State on the User Account Creation screen and the User Account Edit screens in addition to the existing Zip Code field. Google Places will also auto-complete allowing you to start to enter your address and see automatic suggestions which will fill the rest of the fields. 
  • Changed language from “Type to Filter” to “Type to Search” throughout the app.
  • On the question choice picker screen for multi-many and multi-one questions we changed the close “X” button to a Done button.
  • Improved language on the My Reach sorting drop-down to get more specific about how you’ve sorted your Network.
  • Automatic square cropping for profile pic uploads on web.
  • The “Type to Search” bar on the top of the network screen and network contact action cards is now always visible and will not scroll out of view as you scroll down your list.
  • Social Media Share cards without a script are working again.

For Admins

  • Automatic square cropping for campaign/organization square logos.

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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