

Released September 14, 2024 in the App Store and Play Store

Apple’s release of iOS 18 is right around the corner, so we’re beating them to the punch with an update that adjusts things a bit in Reach to work with the new way iOS 18 handles contact permissions. You can read all about these changes in our blog post here: https://www.reach.vote/blog/contact-import-ios18/

For Users


  • Contact Import process has been tweaked a bit to be compatible with iOS 18. This change will affect users on all platforms and includes a new “Scoping Screen” to make it easier to understand where to begin with contact import.

For Admins

Nothing in this version

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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