

Released September 25, 2024 over the air

Let’s get more targeted! Admins can now target action cards with much more flexibility and capability!

For Users


  • We have made our “Privacy Masking” feature more clear when it comes to addresses. If you are not seeing a full address, we will show asterisks for the house number rather than just omitting it. We hope this reduces some confusion around how the feature was working.


  • When tapping into content from the Search Library screen, the “New” chips on the content were not always disappearing as expected.

For Admins


  • Action Card Advanced Targeting: When creating and editing action cards, you will now see a much more robust Visibility section where you can target the card based on nested rules, various operators, boolean logic, and many more fields that describe which users should see the Action Card. Fields include State, Zip Code, First Seen On, Role, Source User, Source Campaign Key, User Groups, Email is Verified, and Had MyC VANID.


  • When you are navigating around Content Library admin screen, the in-app “Back to List” button will more often return you to the screen you’d expect. This is especially true when editing assets in the context of a gallery, label, or action card.
  • When users saved survey responses on both the Person Screen and User Survey Action Cards, we were sometimes storing unnecessary empty response rows in addition to the real responses. No longer!

About Reach

Reach is a progressive technology start-up building tools for political campaigns, labor unions, non-profits, and activists around the united states. Read more about us here.

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